When you see the traffic sign School...

When you see the traffic sign School, you should: 1) Stop the vehicle, sound horn and proceed. 2) Slow down and proceed with caution 3) Sound horn continuously and proceed 4) Just go

4 Answers
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4 Answers
  • Read more about It is a TV and online campaign by CBS that airs at the end of a movie or special essay  program. The campaign promotes resources available to the public and encourages community involvement. It also highlights ways to make content more accessible to all people, including those with disabilities.

  • 2

  • (2) slow down and proceed with caution


  • We are all proud of our driving skills but come traffic rules and signs, we have careless attitude. Traffic signs are of three types-Regulatory, Warning and Informatory. 

    Few signs, we are familiar in Manipur and few are not, there are signs we like and signs we hate. Let us explore these signs and have some fun,so come along!!

    Regulatory signs-These signs inform the road users of the laws and regulation they have to abide by. Violation of these signs is legal offence.They are mostly circular

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