What is the Revised Exam Pattern of the VITEEE?

I want to know the subjects asked in the VITEEE and which subject contains how many questions and how much time is allotted to attend all the questions.

Your Answer

Vellore Institute of Technology: Exam Pattern

Vellore Institute of Technology conducts an engineering entrance examination to offer admission in various engineering programs. This examination is known as Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Examination (VITEEE).

The examination contains Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and There will be no Negative Marking for wrong answers. The paper will contain total 125 questions from the following subjects: Mathematics or Biology, Physics, Chemistry and English. The aptitude section will be an additional part of the exam including these subjects.

The time limit to solve the questions is 150 Minutes (2 Hours 30 Minutes Exam Duration). There will be 1 mark awarded for each correct answer in this online computer-based test. The language of the test will be English. This is a university-level exam.

The exam will be conducted at 120+ cities in India and abroad (Dubai, Kuwait, Muscat). 

Take a glance below to understand the VITEEE Exam Pattern quickly:

1. Mathematics or Biology: 40 questions
2. Physics: 35 questions
3. Chemistry: 35 questions
4. Aptitude: 10 questions
5. English: 5 questions

(+1) mark for each right answered question and there is no negative marking for wrong answered question. The exam duration is 150 Minutes.

For the better clarity of the VITEEE, you can check out the followings:

1. VITEEE Dates
2. The Eligibility Criteria for VITEEE
3. The Detailed Exam Pattern of VITEEE
4. The Complete Syllabus of VITEEE
5. VITEEE Results

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