can anyone give the full information on ibsat?

can anyone please provide me the full information regarding IBSAT exam

Your Answer

IBSAT is conducted by ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education. This exam is conducted online. This exam is conducted in the 4th week of December. Hi this youth4work and we are up with another video. In this video we will tell you about IBSAT exam. Each candidate will assign an a desktop to do the exam.
·       The candidate must have a bachelor degree in any discipline the medium of language should be English.
·       There is no age limit for IBSAT.
·       The candidate nationality must be Indian.
·       APPLICATION FEES: Rs. 1800
Exam pattern:
·       The total marks will be 140 marks.
·       The exam will have 140 MCQ’s questions.
·       The total duration of exam will be 120 minutes i.e. 2 hours.
·       The medium of the paper will be English.
·       There will be 4 section Quantitative Aptitude:
1.   Verbal Ability
2.   Data Adequacy & Data Interpretation
3.   Quantitative Ability
4.   Reading Comprehension
There will be no negative marking.
Tips and tricks:
1.   As there is no negative marking try to attempt all the questions.
2.   Increase your reading ability because the paper is in English.
3.   Increase your accuracy to complete your paper.
4.   Also, don’t forget to do prep test to know your strengths and weakness.
5.   Time management is also important as you need to do 140 questions in 2 hours.

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