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What is the Updated Exam Pattern of the BITSAT?

How many subjects are asked in the BITSAT and which subject contains how many questions (Exam Pattern) and how much time is allotted to attend all the questions?

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BITSAT Exam Pattern:
BITSAT is an online computer-based engineering entrance test that will be conducted in the English medium only. There will be 150 MCQs asked in the exam to be solved in the time duration of 3 hours (180 minutes). The correct answer will give the candidate 3 marks whereas 1 mark will be deducted for every incorrect answer.
The entrance exam will be divided into 4 sections: Part 1 Physics, Part 2 Chemistry, Part 3 Maths/Biology, Part 4 is Logical Reasoning and English. The weightage of each section differs and there is an additional thing to the exam. If the candidate attempts 150 questions without skipping then the candidates will be provided to attempt 12 questions from PCM/PCB only if there is some time left.
The candidate who chose to solve the 12 questions then there will be no going back in the main exam for any corrections, so the candidate has to take the decision carefully as negative marking is a big factor here. The 12 questions are provided to have a better chance of scoring more in the entrance examination.
Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences Pilani organizes the BITSAT to offer admission in the BITS Pilani, BITS Goa and BITS Hyderabad campuses around the nation in the BE, BPharma and MSc courses. The BITSAT will be conducted from August 6 – 10, 2020. The admit cards for the exam will be available from July 10, 2020, onwards.
Take a quick sneak peek for the better understanding of BITSAT:
1. Examination Mode: Online Computer-Based Test
2. Language of the Exam: English Only
3. Exam Duration: 3 Hours (180 minutes)
4. Sections in Exam: 4
(a). Physics: 40 MCQs
(b). Chemistry: 40 MCQs
(c). Mathematics /Biology: 45 MCQs
(d). English proficiency/Logical Reasoning: 25 MCQs
5. Marks for each correct answer: 3 Mark
6. Negative Marking: -1
7. Total no of questions: 150 MCQs
8.    Total marks: 450
9.    The exam conducting authority: BITS Pilani

There will be an additional 12 questions that a candidate can attempt for scoring more in the entrance exam if the 150 questions will be attempted within the time limit without skipping any question.

For the better clarity of BITSAT, check out the following:

1. BITSAT Complete Syllabus

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birla institute of technology and science aptitude test bitsat entrance exam