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Discussion Q & A's of
Class 10

what is sustainable development

what is it and why is it necessary for us Where it is used and which country adapted it and in which year

what is the definition of resistivity

it is very difficult to find me that what is the definition of resistivity plz fast

what is the formula for formic acid?

formic acid chemical formula Answer early (CBSE 2003) formic or methanoic acid

how can we make ourselves to giving birth to to many children

why we show intrest to much on reproduction why we cannot stop ourselves from this interaction

it is necessary to take sunlight in photosynthesis in place of electrical bulb.

if necessary then why it is necessary for plants because both are source of light. plants can take light for making their food from sunlight as well as electric bulb. plz answer th ...

best sample paper for class 10th

plz tell me most important sample paper for I m get full marks in board exam fastt good and best

what is a tangent ?

pls explain

If cosA+cos^2A=1 then prove that sin^12A+3sin^10A+3sin^8A+sin^6A+2sin^4A+2sin^2A-2=2

trigonometry question If you can solve it without any help you will be a topper otherwise you will be a normal student I will give you the answer after 3 days you have a time of 3 ...

which metal element expands the most?

a metal which has more expansion than all other metals.

find value of k having no solution in linear equation chapter

(3k+1)x+3y-2=0,(k²+1)x+(k-2)y-5=0 give answer please i have urgent and give right solution

Science chemistry - acids bases and salts

Why does tooth decay start when the pH of mouth is lower than 5.5

The line Perpendicular to the reflective surface is the ______ ?

A. Normal B. Line of Refraction C. Line of Incidence D. Line of Reflection

_____reaction are redox reaction

tell me i am confuse

What is better CBSE or ICSE? Explain how?

I am confused to choose in between CBSE and ICSE What is better CBSE or ICSE?

what is comination reaction


what is reflected ray?

class 10

Alcohol is a acid or a base?

Help me!!

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Class 10