explain money as a medium of exchange


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5 Answers
  • ----Money is considered as a medium of exchange,because,it is authorised by the Government Of India. It is printed by RBI(Reserve Bank Of India). ----If a person has money,he or she does not needs to satisfy double coincidence of wants. ----For example, if a person wants to have "wheat" and he has "shoes"....Then he can first exchange shoes for money and the money for wheat. ----So,Money helps to maintain a uniform currency in every place.

  • bcoz money is authorized by government of India,and printed by RBI

  • money is an assured by government which is token way of exchanging thingd

  • money is a medium of exchange let possible that a man has more money and he has not book then he goes to book shop and give money and take book this means exchange

  • A medium of exchange is something that buyers will exchange with a seller when they want to purchase goods or services from the seller. While many things could be used as a medium of exchange in an economy, money is the most common and useful medium of exchange in our society.

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