BPSC Exam Dates, Eligibility, Pattern, Previous Year Papers

Bihar Public Service Commission was founded in 1956 in Patna, Bihar for the recruitment of candidates for civil posts with the sole motive of creating and fostering such a Public Service Commission is free, non-biased, honest, Operational and capable enough to meet and fulfill the requirements of common people from the government side. The duty of BPSC is direct recruitment on behalf of Defence, Government servants, and much more. They help in framing recruitment rules and advise the Government on promotions and transfers from one service to another. BPSC acts as direct recruitment for BAS, i.e., Bihar Administrative Services is equivalent to Indian Administrative Services. Recruitment for BPSC is done in two ways: Direct Recruitment: Pre, Main, and Interview. The Minimum Qualification is Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized college. The salary is from 9300 to 34800. 

Exam Pattern  |  Eligibility Criteria  |  Tips and Tricks  |  Take Free Mock Test

Key Highlight
of BPSC Prelims Exam
Examination Level
Application Fee:
General/OBC- Rs. 600 SC/ST/PH- Rs. 150
Total Marks:
Prelims: 150 marks Mains: 900 marks Interview: 120 marks

Table of Contents:

  1. Important Dates for the BPSC

  2. BPSC Selection Process

  3. BPSC Eligibility Criteria

  4. BPSC Application Form Filling

  5. BPSC Application Fee

  6. BPSC Admit Card

  7. BPSC Exam Pattern

  8. BPSC Marking Scheme

  9. BPSC Syllabus

  10. BPSC Expected Cut-Off

  11. BPSC Pay Scale/Salary

  12. BPSC Tips and Tricks

Important Dates for 66th BPSC Exam

  • Notification Date according to exam calendar: September 16, 2020

  • Generally, this exam is conducted once a year

​Registration Period

  • Application form filling (Registration) opening Date: September 28, 2020      

  • Application form (Registration) closing Date: October 28, 2020

  • Application fee submission last date: October 28, 2020

  • Admit card releasing date /period: September 2020

  • BPSC Prelims Exam Date: December 27, 2020

  • Answer key releasing date: To be announced soon

  • BPSC Result date: To be announced soon

  • BPSC Mains Exam Date: To be announced soon

  • Interview Joining Date: To be declared 

BPSC Selection Process:

The BPSC test applicants have to undergo two stages to clear the test and take admission in their selected course. The BPSC Test Selection stages are:

  1. BPSC Preliminary Test

  2. BPSC Mains Test

  3. BPSC Interview

BPSC Eligibility Criteria:

  • Age Limit:​

    • The minimum age for the male aspirant is 22 years, and the maximum age is 37 years.

    • The upper age for female candidates is 40 years.

    • The age relaxation in the upper age limit for the general category is 5 years, and candidates of the PwD category is 10 years.

  • Educational Qualifications:

    • The minimum qualification is a bachelor’s degree from a recognized college. 

    • The candidate must have a graduation degree of a minimum of 3 years of duration in any stream from a recognized university.

    • The candidates in their final year of graduation can also apply for the exam.

  • Physical Standards:

    • The physical standards for male: height for UR and OBC is 5’5’’ while for SC/ ST, it is 5’3’’ and for female, it is 5’2’’.

    • The chest for UR and OBC is 32 inches, while for SC/ ST, it is 31 inches for male candidates.

  • Nationality
    • The applicants should be an Indian citizen.

BPSC Application Form Filling:

  • The candidates can apply on the Bihar Public Service Commission's official site, BPSC bpsc.bih.nic.in only.

  • The applicant has to click on the BPSC Online Application and register himself/herself on the portal with the email-id and mobile number.

  • The applicant has to provide personal details such as Name, DOB, Gender, Category, Test city, and Test Date.

  • The applicant must be ready with the scanned recent passport size colored or black/white photograph and upload it to the form.

  • The photograph's size should be under 25 KB, and the prescribed format is JPG/JPEG.

  • The candidate has to upload his/her signature in both Hindi and English Language on the form within the 4 – 30 KB of size. The format applicable is JPG/JPEG.

The personal information should be accurate as the candidate has to produce authentic certificates to prove the information.

BPSC Application Fee

  • General Candidates/ Other State Candidates: Rs. 600

  • SC/ST/PwD Candidates: Rs. 150

  • Female Candidates (Bihar State): Rs. 150

  • The application fee (exam fee or registration fee) can be paid via net banking, mobile wallets, IMPS, Cash card, debit card, credit card, etc.

BPSC Admit Card:

  • The admit card for the BPSC test will be available 6-7 days before the BPSC Prelims Exam. The applicants can download the authentic admit card from the official website.

  • It is an essential document for the day of the test; the applicant has to carry it along with the valid ID proof.

  • The candidates should print the admit card on a blank white paper.

  • The text and information printed on the admit card should be clearly visible.

  • The candidates are advised to save a copy of the admit card for future use.

  • The candidates should have clear information about the exam pattern and marking process before attempting the real exam. They are advised to make a wise strategy to acquire more marks than the cutoff.

  • The admit card will be available to download from the date to till exam.



BPSC Preliminary Exam Pattern

  • The exam conducting body that is Bihar Public Service Commission is responsible for setting up exam patterns and the marking process.

  • BPSC will conduct the Recruitment Exam in offline mode.

    • BPSC Prelims Test Mode: Pen-Paper Based Test

    • BPSC Prelims Test Type: Objective Type

    • BPSC Prelims Test Level: National Level

    • BPSC Prelims Test Language: English and Hindi

    • BPSC Prelims Test Duration: 2 hours (120 Minutes)

  • ​Total Number of Questions: 150

  • Maximum Marks of BPSC Test: 150 marks

  • Candidates can navigate the sections to answer the desired section.

  • The candidates will choose the correct answer from 4/5 options.

The Minimum Qualifying Marks for the BPSC Prelims Exam is:

  1. General Category – 40%

  2. OBC – 34%

  3. Women/SC/ST/PwD – 32%

BPSC Mains Exam Pattern:

  • BPSC Mains Test Mode: Pen-Paper Based Test

  • BPSC Mains Exam will have four papers:

    • General Hindi: 100 marks 

    • General Studies Paper 1: 300 marks

    • General Studies Paper 2: 300 marks

    • One Optional Subject: 300 marks, the optional subject can be chosen from 34 subjects mentioned by the administration.

  • BPSC Mains Exam Type: Subjective type

  • BPSC Mains Exam Duration: 3 hours for each paper

  • Maximum Marks of BPSC Test: 900 marks

  • The Minimum Qualifying Marks of the BPSC Mains Exam are:

    • General Category – 40%

    • OBC – 34%

    • Women/SC/ST/PwD – 32%

BPSC Interview:

The chosen candidate will go for the final stage of selection, i.e., the Interview. The interview is for 120 Marks.


BPSC Marking Scheme:

  • The recruitment test's marking scheme will be like the applicant will get 1 mark per correct answer.

  • There is no negative marking for the incorrect answer for both Prelims and Mains Examination.

  • There is no negative mark or inclusive mark for unattempted questions.


BPSC Syllabus:

  • The topics for the General Studies subject for the BPSC Prelims Recruitment Exam are:

Geography Of India And Bihar

Current Affairs

History Of India And Bihar

General Mental Ability

Events Of National And International Importance

Indian Polity And Economy

History Of India And Indian National Movement

General Science


  • The next stage of the selection procedure is the BPSC Mains Examination, where the candidate has to appear for the descriptive type of paper. There are 4 papers in which the candidate has to choose 1 paper out of 34 subjects such as agriculture, animal husbandry, philosophy, botany, physics, Sanskrit Literature and Language, Bangla Language, Zoology, Anthropology, and much more.

  • The detailed syllabus for the Mains Recruitment Examination is attached as the PDF file in the attachments.

BPSC Expected Cut-Off:

The 65th BPSC Prelims Exam is for 150 marks; the cut-off is the minimum qualifying marks required to clear the recruitment examination. As the minimum qualifying percentage is 40%, that is 60 out of 150 marks. The cut-off released for the 65th BPSC Prelims Exam is


Category Name


Cut-off for Female Candidates

















  • The expected cut-off for the 2020 66th BPSC Prelims Exam will be per the previous year's cut-off; it will be around 95-100 for the General Category applicants.

BPSC Salary

The candidates will be selected for about 562 vacancies; the major pay scale for the different posts is Level 9 and Level 2. BPSC Pay Scale is Rs. 9300 - Rs. 34800 plus the grade pay of Rs. 4200. The employees will enjoy all the perks and benefits that are for government officials.

BPSC Exam Tips and Tricks

With people applying for BPSC IAS is in lakhs, it became challenging to crack, but all you need to do is follow these tricks and tips to succeed: 

  • Take Mock tests online to know your Strengths and Weakness.

  • You must have the knowledge of General Studies like history, polity, geography, technology, and much more.

  • For better knowledge, consult books like Lucent, NCERT, and Pratiyogita Darpan & Bihar Special Book.

  • Solve last years’ question papers to know what to expect, and it will test your speed and accuracy.

  • Wrong answers will have no negative markings.

  • Prepare yourself with the timing of the exam so that you will able to finish well in time.

  • Refer books, make notes as well online portals to know where you stand.

  • Read all the instructions before going for examinations.

  • Keep yourself away from distractions like Televisions and Mobile Phones.

  • Always save time for revision.

  • Don’t be anxious, and before going to the examination hall, eat properly, have a proper sleep, and relax.

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