Please give full info about AIIMS exam tips for studyingmedicine?

Please give full info about AIIMS exam tips to be a doctor by studying MBBS?

  • Anshu
  • 15 May
  • 2 Answers
Your Answer

·         Physics is a concept- based subject and has lots of practical problems to solve. Thus, it is crucial that you understand the concepts well and apply when solving the problems. You can refer NCERT books for understanding the basic concepts 
·         Chemistry is a blend of numerous Chemical equations, Problems and also concepts. You should mark important points while studying that will be helpful during revision.
·         In Biology, you have to study many concepts and diagrams and remember them. You can refer some good books to clear all the doubts so that you can solve even the complex questions in the examination.
·         Clear the basics being studied in class 11th and 12th is the key to score great in the AIIMS
·         Read newspapers and watch news every day for an hour to have the best idea of the latest happenings in order to get along with the GK (General knowledge) part 
·         Solve previous year papers, they will give you a brief idea about the exam pattern, types of questions,etc. for that you can refer to the prep guru app by youth4work, link of the app is given in the description.
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