CoCubes Exam

CoCubes is India’s leading valuation and employing company. Their job is to employ people by calculating their strengths and weaknesses. CoCubes was founded by IIT Bombay Graduates in 2007 and helps candidates, corporates, and institutions to access through the 600+ clients they work with. Every year, they do more than 2 Million Valuation in 350+ cities, all this helps the corporate clients to find the right candidate without the long process of interviews and unnecessary tests with the staff of 110+ whose average age is 29 years. CoCubes tests check the ability of a  candidate to recognize and solve real-time problems i.e. problem-solving, analyzing the ability and talent to deal with numbers, written and verbal communication skills.

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Key Highlight
of Cocubes Test
Eligibility Criteria
Duration of the Exam
210 Min
Exam Sections
Question Type
Multiple Choice
Examination Level

Exam Pattern and Syllabus

  • Quantitative Aptitude Tests (60 Minutes): It comprises of mainly numeric and calculations like Time & work, Speed & Distance, Algebra, and Profit & Loss, Probability, Statistics, Ratio, Percentages, Mensuration, Trigonometry, Interest and more.
  • Analytical Reasoning Tests (60 Minutes): It comprises of Visual Reasoning, Relationships, Flowcharts, Coding – Decoding, Series, and Odd one out, Analogies and more.
  • English Usage Tests (60 Minutes): It comprises of Reading Comprehension, Prepositions, Speech, Tenses, and Verbal Ability including Synonym – Antonym, Spellings, Idioms, Phrases and more.
  • Domain Tests (30 Minutes): It comprises of core questions of Engineering Subjects & IT subjects, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and more.


Tips and Tricks
  • Candidates must attempt multiple choice questions carefully.
  • Candidates must practice alot.
  • Take online mock tests to know your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Candidates must practice placement papers and mock tests to prepare well.

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