3i Infotech PLACEMENT PAPERS - Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Question, time?

3i Infotech PLACEMENT PAPERS - Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Question, time?

Your Answer

Written exam pattern: -
Quantitative Ability         50 marks
Verbal Ability                  50 marks
Reasoning Ability           50 marks
Total                               150 marks.
syllabus :-
1) Quantitative Ability :- algebra, time & work, time, speed & distance, arithmetic, percentages, probability, profit & loss, geometry etc.
2) Verbal Ability :-comprehension passages, synonyms, antonyms, grammar, jumbled sentences etc.
3) Reasoning Ability :- Venn Diagrams, Sitting Arrangements, Blood Relations, Coding and Decoding etc.
you will get the question paper on india bix.
You will get 90 minute to solve all the question.

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