Tips or Tricks for XAT exam preparation?

Tips or Tricks for XAT exam preparation ? Please share few strategies.

  • Jai
  • 12 May
  • 7 Answers
Your Answer

Start well:
Lots of guys start sluggishly and then start sweating by the end of 10th minute. Plan to fly off the blocks with feverish intensity. You cannot go much wrong with that strategy.
To complete with a cricket metaphor. Start like Sehwag, finish like Dhoni. Go berserk in the first few minutes, turn savvy (calculating) half way through the paper.
Question selection has to be dynamic:
A student does not have the luxury of saying “let me look at the questions in different categories and figure out which ones work best for me.” The decision-making will have to be on the fly. This is why sections like DI and LR work as ‘fillers’. If quant is tough, one has to look at cracking DI to anchor the section. Similarly, if 2 RC passages are vague, one needs to get all 9-10 correct in LR.
Improve the speed:
‘Practice more to improve speed’. The challenge to choose the right question with a speedy reading habit solely depends upon the ability of the aspirants. Since no CAT aspirant goes to solve all the questions in all the sections, it’s better to improve the speed within the allotted time by practicing more and more. This strategy of preparation for CAT during next 65 days will not only boost the confidence level of the candidates but also will improve the speed.
Accuracy goes with right choice: 
If you select the right and doable question, your accuracy level will improve else it will go down. You can attain high accuracy level only when your reading speed is improved with clear understanding. When you opt for an answer option you should be clear on it. Else the negative marking may get you nowhere

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