What do u mean by hospitality ans why one should join hospitality

What services you provide in hospitality and waht are the career opportunities

  • Archana
  • 04 अप्रैल
  • 2 उत्तर

2 उत्तर
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2 उत्तर
  • Hospitality is a friendly reception it is also considered a relationship of guest and host where host welcomes there guest respectfully and also provide entertainment of guest, visitors, and strangers so that they could feel comfortable
                                                                 Anyone should join hospitality because according to my point of view it has a fast growing future and it also allows you to develop yourself professionally and a person in this type of profession people can learn many things from variety of collegues, clients and also different situation

  • The level of customer service one receives during his visit in any particular place will determine whether he is going to come back there for another visit or not, if one receives good customer service, they will definitely tell their friends about that place or warns them not to visit that. Travelers, after all, have a ton of options when they leave home. Top-notch customer service is often the difference between choosing you or choosing your competition. And most of the time, it doesn't cost you anything extra.

    Hospitality is providing enough employment to the people.
    The hospitality business is divided into two categories.
    Hospitality business (clubs, bars, restaurants, hotels and contract catering): It accounted for the two third of this industry. 
    Hospitality services like food outlets and hospitals and account for one-third of the industry.
    There are full time and part time employed persons in this sector of the hospitality. It is noted that employment depends upon the working conditions found in the industry at weekends, long hours and other flexibilities

thsc tourism and hospitality skill council
मॉक परीक्षण अभ्यास के लिए
thsc tourism and hospitality skill council