Tips or Tricks for MAT exam preparation

What should be the tips opted by us to crack MAT exam?

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  • MAT being a knowledge-based test with an objective-type test pattern will examine your general aptitude across varied parameters such as Language Comprehension, Mathematical Skills, Data Analysis & Sufficiency, Intelligence & Critical Reasoning, Indian & Global Environment, etc.
    Hence, MAT preparation calls for carefully devised strategy, which helps you cover maximum topics and score high to get a call from good management institutes across the country.
    To get a better result, it is good and advisable to start preparing as early as possible. By reading daily newspapers and magazines you can improve your vocabulary in English. Also by watching English news channels, various usage of a particular word can be noted down.

  • Hlo Deepshikha,the tips and tricks for MAT exam is as:1.    Keep up with your reading as the reading and comprehension tricks you into making silly mistakes in the English language. Also keep up with your current affairs by reading newspapers and listening to discussions.
    2.    Try and do puzzles and crosswords which increases vocabulary which trains your mind to deal with intelligence and critical reasoning.
    3.    As for Data Analysis read up on a lot of bar graphs and pie charts to increase your sense for analysis.
    4.    Remember when in younger classes you used to practise mental maths. Use the experience and practise on solving maths questions.
    5.    Lastly take as many mock tests gas possible to keep up with the time during your exams. For this I would like to suggest PREPGURU application designed for this very purpose by YOUTH4WORK.
    Watch our Youtube Video:

  • The mat paper consists of 200 questions with each question worth 1 mark, these 200 questions are divided into 5 sections, these 5 sections are - 1. Language comprehension, 2. Mathematical skills, 3. Data analysis and sufficiency, 4. Intelligence and critical reasoning, 5. Indian and global environment. Total duration of the paper is of 150 minutes so basically you've to spare 45 seconds per question or 30 minutes per section. 
    Now it's up to you to choose which section you will attempt first, I personally would suggest you to attempt your strong topics first, the section you feel you are comfortable with and try to finish the section in less than 30 minutes so you can spare some extra time on your not so strong topics. The last section,i.e., the general knowledge section should be given least priority since it is not used in calculation of your percentile but still dont leave the section as many schools consider your gk marks in the second round of admission. Don't be shy to attempt questions even if you are not so sure about it, yes there is negative marking but for every wrong answer you only loose 0.25 marks. Let us suppose you are unsure about 4 questions and luckily you attempt 1 question correctly out of these 4 questions but other 3 questions you were not so lucky with, still you will manage to get 0.25 marks out of these questions instead of 0 that you would've gotten if you left those questions unattended.
    To prepare for paper you can go through the mock tests and prep tests available here :
    and try to time yourself for each paper. Your overall goal should be to complete the paper in 2 hours instead of 2hr 30 minutes so you can build your speed for the main paper. My final advice will be to get a healthy amount of sleep specially the night before your exam, a well rested mind will help you work more efficiently.

  • just make continuity in studies.and solve 1 sample paper daily

  • I'll make it short..Take some time for exercising thinking skills by learning something at the same time practising the same type of thing,make a routine time for preparation,dont pressurise yourself much,take rest and refreshment after a long study..sleep 8 hours a day,eat fruits and light diet instead of heavy diets,heavy diets bring fatigue..take short tests then long tests.. that's all..

  • These are the few strategies that I usually follow, it’ll provide you a great help!
    ·         Strategically arrange your time: arrange a study routine beforehand, allotting time for every subject. This may facilitate to consistently study every subject rather than juggling between several, that is bound to disrupt your concentration and scale back output.

    • Solve sample question papers on mathematics: Sample question papers offers an inspiration concerning the topics, the quality expected, and also the skills needed. Observe and solve issues extensively. Apply typical ways initial, however because the material becomes acquainted to you, begin applying short-cuts to enhance speed. Con tables, common cube roots and sq. roots, conversions from % to fraction, and vice-versa to reinforce speed whereas maintaining accuracy.

    • Read completely different articles: The additional you browse different articles the additional it'll facilitate in prying the comprehension section. It’ll facilitate to accumulate speed and preciseness, 2 key skills required to try to do well during this section. Before you start making an attempt, though, pay it slow glancing at the queries within the comprehension section to induce a grieve the vital areas of the passage.

    • Practice regularly: The sections on knowledge Analysis & Sufficiency and Intelligence & vital Reasoning is also new you. These square measure additional difficult than troublesome. Bear the sample papers fastidiously and makes notes of the quirks concerned. Regular observe can cause you to additional acquainted with the topics and facilitate to quickly interpret and solve issues.

    • Improve your general awareness: The Indian and world atmosphere section take a look at your general awareness. Extensively follow the news dailies and magazines, watch news channels and browse the net to stay updated with these affairs associated with completely different national and international avenues. Solve as several papers as attainable.

    • Enhance your speed and accuracy: initial, solve papers subject-wise, and maintaining stipulated time-limit. Thereafter, solve a complete model paper or a previous paper to envision if you'll end in time. Though speed is a crucial side, accuracy is predominating. Intensive observe helps you deliver the goods each.
    ·         Online Practicing with Mock tests – I’d suggest you should

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