Can i get an overview for FMS exam.

Can I get an overview for qualifying the FMS exam? also the introduction

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1 Answer
  • FMS
    Faculty of management studies is an online entrance exam for those candidates who are going to appear for MBA. Before appearing for FMS, candidates need to get register themselves for CAT (Common Aptitude Test) After qualifying the CAT they are eligible for FMS. 
    ·       General Graduation-50%
    ·       OBC/PWDCW-45%
    ·       SC/ST-Passing marks
    Application fee:
    ·       Rs1000/- for General
    ·       Rs 350/- for (SC/ST/PWD Candidates)
    Exam pattern:
    ·       There will be 175 objective type questions.
    ·       4 marks will be awarded for every correct answer.
    ·       1 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
    ·       The total time will be 120 minutes.
    ·       Quantitative Aptitude-having 50 questions
    ·       Logical Reasoning- having 50 questions
    ·       Verbal ability- having 40 questions
    Tips and trick:
    ·       As, there is negative marking try to attempt only those questions which you are sure of.
    ·       Increase your accuracy by practicing.
    ·       Also, don’t forget to do the prep test to know your strengths and weakness.
    ·       Read the newspaper daily to improve your English.

    Also, don't forget to watch our videos:

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