what are the tips to clear the exam?

I want the tips to prepare for the exam and clear the exam for this post

  • Mohammad
  • 15 जुलाई
  • 2151 दृश्य
  • 2 उत्तर
Your Answer

Tips and Tricks
·         For reasoning, one can play games and solve puzzles.
·         Keep Yourself updated with current affairs to score in General Awareness section.
·         Keep your basics/Concepts clear for clearing interview round.
·         Practice mock tests once you feel you are done with your syllabus. For mock tests, I would recommend you Youth4work prep tests or you can even practice using their app “Prep Guru”.The link is given in the description. It contains a variety of questions which will help you to increase your knowledge and boost up your confidence. Practice as many tests as you can as “Practice makes the man perfect”.

watch our youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jKqMepj-H4&list=PLKQu-ix31TLIlXTbXzErLz9_1hkIZ6tAj&index=1

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