can anyone please give me full information about MH CET exam in detail

  • Anjali
  • 07 अगस्त
  • 2 उत्तर

2 उत्तर
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2 उत्तर
    Maharashtra Common Entrance Test (MHCET) is conducted by Directorate of Higher Education, Maharashtra for the admissions in Law program. It is held in the month of May. The exam will be in both English and Marathi languages. 
    Nationality / Citizenship: The candidate must be an Indian Citizen.
    Educational Qualification:
    The candidate must have passed their 12th class in any Stream with at least 45% marks and 40% marks for SC/ST/OBC category from recognized board.
    Age Limit:
    Max. Age for Gen category- 20 Years
    Max. Age for SC/ST/OBC- 22 Years
    Online test and offline test will be of 150 marks.
    The exam will have 150 MCQs type questions
    Total duration of the exam will be 120 minutes
    Sections in the exam are 5
    o    Legal Aptitude and Legal Reasoning of 40 marks
    o    General Knowledge with Current Affairs of 30 marks
    o    Logical and Analytical Reasoning of 40 marks
    o    English of 30 marks
    o    Mathematical Aptitude of 10 marks
    There is no negative marking.
    You need to finish 5 sections of MHCET Exam within 120 minutes, which means you need speed with accuracy in order to attempt 150 questions in total. The more you practice, the better chances you have of acing this exam.
    Manage your time properly; give appropriate amount of time to each section. Try to improve your time by practicing as many online tests as possible. Youth4work provides online mock tests will time limit attached to each question; this way one can learn to finish the entire exam within the time limit.
    To watch our youtube video:

  • MHT-CET stands for Maharashtra Common Entrance Exam and it is convened by the Department of Technical Education of Maharashtra. The following are the important points to be considered about the exam:
    Once your clear the cut off for this exam, you will be eligible to secure an admission in the full-time degree courses of health sciences and technical education in all the prominent colleges of Maharashtra.
    The targeted courses are MBBS, BDS, BHMS, Pharmacy, Engineering, and Technology.
    The level of difficulty of this exam is similar to that of JEE Mains.

    MHT-CET Syllabus 2019

    The questions in the examination will come from the three subjects namely, Mathematics, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry. Each and every chapter of all these subjects will throw questions at the student and the student needs to prepare himself well for the surprises. For 2019, the exam will be conducted online.

    For more information, please visit Infomatica Academy

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