BSNL JTO exam pattern

What will be this year's exam pattern for BSNL exam?

Your Answer

Paper-I: Engineering Subjects (Objective Type):
This paper typically consists of objective-type questions related to your engineering discipline, which could be Electrical, Electronics, Telecommunications, Computer Science, etc.
The number of questions, marking scheme, and topics covered will vary based on your engineering discipline.
The duration of Paper-I is usually 3 hours.
Paper-II: General Aptitude (Objective Type):
Paper-II tests your general knowledge and aptitude.
It includes topics like General English, Current Events, General Knowledge, Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, and General Awareness.
The duration of Paper-II is typically 3 hours.
Interview (Personality Test):
Candidates who qualify in the written exam are usually called for a personal interview, which assesses your communication skills, technical knowledge, and general awareness.

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