what is the eligibility criteria of NEET 2017?

who all are eligible for this exam?

  • Ankit
  • 22 Aug
  • 3 Answers
Your Answer

Candidates must check the following NEET Eligibility Criteria before registering for the exam:

1. Nationality: Indian Nationals, Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), Overseas Citizen of India (OCI), Persons with Indian Origin (PIO) and Foreign Nationals citizen are eligible to apply for NEET (UG).
2. Eligibility for 15% All India Quota Seats: Candidates belonging to J&K states are eligible to apply under 15% All India Quotas only on the basis of self-declaration.
3. Age limit: Candidates must have completed minimum of 17 years of age on or before 31st December 2020. There is no upper age limit to apply.
4. Qualification: Candidates must have completed 12th level or equivalent examination.
5. Mandatory Subjects: Students in their 12th level must have Physics, Chemistry, and Biology/Biotechnology with English as a mandatory subject.
6. Percentage: Candidates in the 12th level must have secured minimum 50% marks for General categories; 45% marks for PH & 40% marks for SC/ST category candidates in PCB group.
7. Appearing: Candidates are appearing in their qualifying exam or waiting for their result are also eligible for NEET (UG).

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