Can I prepare with previous years exam papers?

Will they really help me out in Infosys exam?

  • Shivangee
  • 17 सितम्बर
  • 6817 दृश्य
  • 12 उत्तर
Your Answer

Yes it will be very helpful for you to crack the examination.Just practice practice practice as many as question papers you can.So it will be easy solve it in the examination.And also there may be repetition of previous year questions.You will know the pattern of the questions they ask and also it makes you easier when you start answering examination questions .But just do not depend only on the question papers but try find and solve many other similar questions which will be available in youth4work websites and also other websites.
By solving previous year questions another advantage is that you would know the way they ask the questions and you would be mentally prepared for it before getting into infoysys exam.

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