SBI PO Salary and Career Growth

Know all the details of SBI PO Salary like salary structure, in hand salary, allowances, career growth and work profile etc.

  • Aishwary
  • 30 जुलाई
  • 6646 दृश्य
  • 1 उत्तर
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SBI PO Salary and Career Growth

Salary is attraction for every Aspirant.

In the same way, One of the important reasons for candidates to look for a career in the banking sector is the SBI PO salary.

Basically, Lots of candidates compete for the post every year due to job opportunities and higher packages compared to other nationalized banks.

Let’s take a look at the salary details of SBI PO, which is a big reason for the huge number of applicants.

The article describes the complete salary structure of SBI PO, hand salary, allowances, perks, and work profile.

For job seekers in the banking sector, PO (Probationary Officer) is the most sought after job with a huge career growth option. SBI Bank's PO salary includes multiple benefits and allowances provided to each employee.

At present, the basic SBI PO salary in India is around Rs. 27,620 / -. There are various other elements in the pay structure for SBI PO that make this post a preference.

SBI PO is one of the most sought after and desirable work in India. Every year the interested people try their best to get the tag of Probation Officer of State Bank of India.

The benefits of this title are many - lucrative salaries, handsome parks, and allowances. However, the work of an SBI POR has many responsibilities.

SBI PO Salary Structure (2020)

Get a basic salary of Rs 23,700 with starting salary. The basic salary of SBI PO is Rs 23700 with an increase of Rs 980 for the next 7 years.

Then get a basic of Rs 30,560 with an annual increase of Rs 1145 for the next two years. The maximum salary will be Rs 42020.

SBI PO In Hand Salary

Approximately, the total salary is Rs 40,000 to Rs 42,000 SBI Pure monthly in-hand salary. Total compensation ranges from Rs 8.20 lakh (minimum) to Rs. 13.08 lakh (maximum) annually.
The amount varies with the location of the job post.

SBI PO Allowances

Salary includes multiple allowances which contribute to the total amount. These are some of the standard allowances that a PO of SBI gets with the basic amount.

SBI PO Salary structure in India

Allowance                               Amount
SBI PO Salary in India             Basic Pay1st Step- Rs. 23700-980/7
2nd Step                                   Rs. 30560-1145/2
3rd Step                                    Rs. 32850-1310/7
4th Step                                    Rs. 42020
Dearness Allowance                 46.9% of the basic pay
City Compensatory Allowance  3% – 4% depending on location
Furniture Allowance                  1,20,000 INR
House Rent Allowance              7% – 9% depending on the Place of Posting
Medical Insurance                     100% for employees
                                                   75% for families
Travelling Allowance                  Reimbursement for AC-2Tier (Exclusively for official travels)
Petrol Allowance                        Rs 1100-1300
Miscellaneous                            Rs 4000/-
Annually                                     7.5 lakhs to 12.9 lakhs

SBI PO Perks

SBI PO enjoys the following benefits:

(a). Grant Pension Scheme / New Pension Scheme.
(b). Medical aid for self (100%) and family (75%).
(c). LTC.Home
(d). Travel Discount / Discount Discount.
(e). The discounted incidental interest rate for housing/car / personal on.

SBI PO Career Growth

In addition to the SBI Bank PO salary, there are various allowances and allowances paid by a probationary officer of SBI.

Also, in terms of career growth, SBI is the most sought after of PO posts. Basically, The career growth post PO title is too long. After receiving this post from SBI Pure, Aspirants can think of a great career in the future.

Following are the fruitful career growth for SBI PO:

1. Deputy Director
2. Manager
3. Chief Director
4. Assistant General Manager
5. Assistant General Director
6. General Manager
7. Chief General Manager

Final Word
In conclusion, in this article. you will know all of Salary information about SBI PO.
I hope, you understand the salary structure of the SBI PO.

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