Fill in the blanks Fill in the blanks
Error Spotting Error Spotting
Reading Comprehension will judge your ability to read between the lines and how quickly you can skim and scan through the passages and retrieve the correct set of answers in each practice test for KVS PRT Exam.
Arrange the sentences in the right chronological order and understand if then the statements make sense. Taking the test will help to score better in English section of KVS PRT Test.
Solve problems based on Tenses and Parts of Speech in this practice test series for KVS Primary Teacher Recruitment Examination. Make sure to revisit the tenses principle to refurbish your basics.
Guess the right Idiom or deduce the meaning of a particular phase in a designated time. KVS Primary Teacher Mock Tests are filled with small parts of idioms and phrases. Get started on them.
Active Passive Voice Questions will judge your understanding of English Tenses and also your accuracy rate of solving such questions. Prepare thoroughly for this section as the answers are always too close.
Choose the best synonym for the word given in KVS Primary Teacher Recruitment Mock Test. The exam will have a dedicated section for synonyms and antonyms type questions. Multiple attempts will help in increasing the overall score.
One Word Substitution requires the replacement of a word or phrase in a given set of statements. These questions help in improving your stronghold over the grammatical aspect of English.
Test your academic level of understanding of English Grammar and Vocabulary. KVS Primary Teacher Exam will have a significant number of questions from English Grammar.
Choose the best antonym for the word given in KVS Primary Teacher Recruitment Mock Test. The exam will have a dedicated section for synonyms and antonyms type questions. Multiple attempts will help in increasing the overall score.