XAT Exam Date, Exam Pattern, Syllabus,  Previous Year Papers 

XAT (Xavier Aptitude Test) is a national- level entrance exam for admissions to various management programs. It is organized by XLRI (Xavier Labour Relations Institute), Jamshedpur. It is conducted every year across India's 47 cities and 2 international countries like Dubai and Kathmandu. Candidates of the XAT can apply within 150 B-schools in India. The official Notification will likely to be released on the First Week Of  September 2020.  Around 1 lakh candidates appear for the test every year. XLRI offers two-year management programs- Human Resource Management, Business Management Programme, Global MBA Programme. Questions for the XAT vary every year. 

Eligibility Criteria  |  Exam Pattern  |  Syllabus  |  Tips and Tricks   |  Take Free XAT Mock Test  

Key Highlight
of XAT
XAT Level:
National level
XAT Application Fee:
Rs. 1750 + Rs. 300 for each XLRI Program (without late fees)
XAT Exam Date:
January 03, 2021

Table of Contents

  1. Important Dates for the XAT

  2. XAT Selection Process

  3. XAT Eligibility Criteria

  4. XAT Application Form Filling

  5. XAT Application Fee

  6. XAT Admit Card

  7. XAT Exam Pattern

  8. XAT Marking Scheme

  9. XAT Syllabus

  10. XAT Expected Cut-Off

  11. XAT Pay Scale/Salary

  12. XAT Tips and Tricks


Important Dates for XAT

  • XAT Application form filling (Registration) opening Date: September 12, 2020

  • XAT Application form (Registration) closing Date: December 10, 2020

  • XAT Application fee submission last date: December 10, 2020

  • XAT Admit card releasing date: December 20, 2020, onwards

  • XAT Exam Date: January 03, 2021

  • Answer key releasing date: To be announced.

  • XAT Result date: 2nd – 3rd week of January 2021 (Tentative)

  • Generally, this exam is conducted once a year.


XAT Selection Process

There is no set procedure for the candidates' XAT selection; the participating colleges/institutes call the candidates after shortlisting candidates according to their XAT Score. The basic XAT Selection Process goes as:

  1. XAT Test

  2. Shortlisting candidates for Group Discussion and Personal Interview

  3. Final Selection

XAT Eligibility Criteria

The XAT Eligibility Criteria includes three essential factors, Nationality, Educational Qualifications, and Age Limit. The detailed eligibility criteria are:

1. Nationality:

  • The applicant eligible for XAT Test can be of Indian Nationality.

  • NRIs or Foreign Nationals are eligible for the application of XAT.

  • Foreign candidates have to submit the GMAT score to apply for XAT.

2. Educational Qualifications:

  • The applicant should be a graduate from any recognized University/ Institution of National Importance.

  • The applicants who have completed the Post Graduate Degree are eligible to apply for XAT.

  • Candidates appearing for final year examinations can also apply for the entrance exam.

  • The final year candidates have to provide the graduation degree passing certificate by the end of the admission process.

  • The candidates must ensure that they should not have any backlogs or supplementary examination left to clear.

3. Age Limit:

  • There is no age bar for applying for the XAT exam. No upper age restriction to apply.
    • The exam conducting body releases the information of the mandatory eligibility criteria on the official site in the notification

    • The aspirants should read the eligibility criteria carefully before applying for the exam to avoid circumstances


XAT Application Form Filling (XAT Registration)

  • The applicants have to register on the official website of XAT within the registration period at xatonline.in

  • The applicants have to click on Register Tab and enter personal information such as Name, Contact number, Email-ID, Password.

  • The login credentials will be sent on the verified email-ID and contact number.

  • The candidate must log in to the registration portal and enter the mandatory information such as Name, DOB, Gender, Category, Parents' name, nationality, and address.

  • The candidate has to upload the scanned photograph (passport size) and signature.

    • Photo Dimensions: 200*230 pixels, Size: 20 – 80 KB, Format: JPEG/JPG

    • Signature Dimensions: 140*60 pixels, Size: 10 – 20 KB, Format: JPEG/JPG

  • The academic qualification*s are required to be entered at the very next step.

  • The candidate has to provide the experience details (if any) in the given tabs.

  • As the last step towards XAT Application Form Filling, the candidate must enter their test city center and course preference.

  • The candidates are advised to fill the application form carefully, and they should recheck the details filled by them before final submission

  • There is no provision of correction window, so if the candidate has made a mistake in application form filling, he can apply again by filling a new application form

  • The application fee once submitted will not be refunded under any circumstances, so the candidates will have to make a fresh payment to pay the application fee

  • The candidates should note down the registration number and password for future use

  • They should print out the application form copy in a blank white paper to keep all the information with them for further use.


XAT Application Fee

  • XAT Registration Fee: Rs. 1750

  • Candidates interested in the XLRI course have to pay an extra Rs. 300 along with Rs. 1750.

  • XAT Registration Fee with late fees: Rs. 2000 (Rs. 500 for XLRI Programme)

  • NRI/Foreign Candidates applying for one or more programmes through GMAT: Rs. 5000


XAT Admit Card

  • The admit card for the XAT test will be available from December 20, 2020, onwards. The applicants can download the authentic admit card from the official website.

  • It is an essential document for the day of the test; the applicant has to carry it along with the valid ID proof

  • The candidates should print the admit card on a blank white paper

  • The text and information published on the admit card should be clearly visible

  • The candidates are advised to save a copy of the admit card for future use

  • The candidates should have clear information about the exam pattern and marking process before attempting the real exam.

  • The admit card will be available to download from date to till exam

  • Address and photograph of identity proof should be matched to the uploaded records

  • They should also carry two passport size photograph matches the uploaded one.

XAT Exam Pattern

  • The exam conducting body that is Xavier Labour Relations Institute, Jamshedpur, is responsible for setting up exam patterns and marking processes.

  • The exam will be conducted in online mode.

  • XAT Mode: Computer-Based Test

  • XAT Type: Objective Type

  • XAT Questions Type: Multiple-Choice Questions

  • XAT Level: National Level

  • XAT Language: English

  • XAT Duration: 3 hours (180 Minutes)

  • XAT Sectional Limit: 165 Minutes for the first 3 sections, 15 minutes for GK sections

  • Number of Sections: 4

    • Verbal and Logical Ability: 26 MCQs

    • Decision Making: 21 MCQs

    • Quantitative Ability, Data Interpretation: 28 MCQs

    • General Knowledge: 25 MCQs

  • Total Number of Questions: 100

  • Maximum Marks of XAT Test: 100

  • According to XAT Score, after Clearing the XAT Test, the applicants have to appear for Group Discussion after shortlisting the candidates.

  • Candidates can navigate the sections tab answer the desired section.

  • The candidates will choose the correct answer from 5 options.


XAT Marking Scheme:

  • The marking scheme of the Xavier Aptitude Test will be like the applicant will get 1 mark per correct answer.

  • There is 1/4th negative marking for the incorrect answer that is 0.25 marks will get deducted for the wrong answer for the first 3 sections.

  • General Knowledge Section will not have any negative marking.

  • 4 wrong answers will cost the mark of 1 correct answer.

  • There is a penalty for unattempted questions, too; after 8 unattempted questions, 0.10 marks will be deducted per question.



Section Name

Questions Per Section

Marks for correct Answer

Weightage of the section

Negative Marking


Verbal & Logical Ability







Decision Making







Quantitative Ability, Data Interpretation







General Knowledge




No negative marking


100 Questions

100 Marks

XAT Syllabus:

 As the exam will have 4 sections, the topic-wise syllabus for the XAT Test are here:

  • Verbal and Logical Ability


Statement Argument

Statement And Assumption

Para Jumble

Statement And Conclusion

English Grammar

Fill In The Blanks

Paragraph Formation Questions



  • Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation:

Data Interpretation

Pipes And Cisterns

Simple And Compound Interest

Ratio And Proportion


Permutation And Combination

Time And Distance



Number Systems


Profit & Loss


  • General Knowledge

Famous Personalities



Government And Politics

Awards And Winners




Preparation tips for XAT Entrance Exam 

Increase Speed: Manage your time properly; give an appropriate amount of time to each section. Try to improve your time by practicing as many online tests as possible. Youth4work provides online mock tests with a time limit attached to each question; this way, one can learn to finish the entire exam within the time limit. 

Improve Accuracy: Whatever new concepts you learn, make it a habit of practicing them regularly, so you do not forget key topics. Because you will not have enough time to prepare all the syllabus topics proficiently, so you must master those you are comfortable with. 

Use Time Intelligently: Studying in a stretch for hours can be tedious and hard and not so good. Therefore, try to study several times in regular sessions during the day. This will make learning easy and fun. Also, you will have enough time to brush up on the already studied topics in between intervals. 

Previous Years’ Papers: Try to get your hands on as many previous years’ question papers as you can. You will find a certain type of question pattern useful for your preparation and get familiar with past exam paper trends. 

Youth4work Prep Tests

Online practice tests for competitive exams – are very unique and popular among aspirants. Aspirants can take self-designed mock-tests as well as practice for sections and topics separately. Youth4work’s unique and proprietary technology is helping lakhs of aspirants to reveal personal details on what are the strength areas of aspirants for any exam and also suggest how they can improve the performance.

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